Many people believe that emptying the Recycle Bin will cause the deleted information to disappear forever. Unfortunately, that's not true. Many file-recovery programs and different forensic techniques exist that can recover information contained in deleted files. That means that those disk drives can still contain confidential or secret data which can be recovered. The U.S. Department of Defense has published their 5220.22M Standard for secure clearing of disk drives. That is to say, taking all of the unallocated space on a disk drive (not to include existing files) and render the contents of those unallocated areas safe from forensic recovery techniques and insure that no confidential information, in deleted files, can ever be recovered. SidesWipe is a simple and straightforward Windows utility that brings this capability to your desktop or server. SidesWipe also supports other more extensive secure drive cleaning methods such as the Guttman method, NSA, UK standard, Canadian RCMP suggested method, as well as a very quick and easy Single Sweep method. All methods are supported. You make the choice